Aeration West project: using modeling to improve the energy efficiency of a WWTP

What type of analytical instrument did CEBEDEAU choose, and why?
Clovis: We chose ultra-high performance chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a mass spectrometer with a latest-generation triple quad detector. This system provides very high sensitivity for targeted assays.
For the choice of instrument, several aspects were evaluated, such as technical specifications, service and support, and of course cost considerations.
The CEBEDEAU is now capable of highly sensitive determination of a wide range of micropollutants in a variety of matrices.
It will be used to separate molecules of interest and quantify them for the measurement of micropollutants, in particular PFAS.
I'll be optimizing the instrument's parameters for the target application.
Once the parameters have been optimized for each micropollutant, the sample preparation steps are optimized and the yields calculated.
Once these steps have been completed, the method must pass all quality criteria.
Every day is a challenge.
Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of CEBEDEAU's staff and the strong cohesion between the teams, solutions are generally found quickly to overcome these challenges.