CEBEDEAU • Organic micropollutants in water: from challenges to solutions


Organic micropollutants in water: from challenges to solutions

On November 21, 2024, CEBEDEAU will be holding its annual study day. This year's theme will be organic micropollutants.

After the media spotlight and the adoption of the drinking water and wastewater directives, the 2024 edition of CEBEDEAU's study day is devoted to organic micropollutants. How do they affect our environment, and what are the emerging and proven technologies for eliminating them (drinking water & wastewater)? These are just some of the questions addressed by renowned speakers from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland, with a wide range of expertise (ecotoxicology, analysis, treatment efficiency, chemical engineering, etc.).


Price: €310.00 excl. VAT (50% discount for CEBEDEAU or Cluster H2O members)

Venue: BluePoint Liège - Bd Emile de Laveleye 191, 4020 Liège

Note: Simultaneous translation FR/EN - EN/FR

Interested in exhibiting? If you would like to reserve an exhibitor stand and support this event, please contact [email protected] (please note that space is limited).

With the support of Cluster H2O


9h00 : Opening and welcome address

9h15 : Organic micropollutants in aquatic environments: challenges for their detection, analysis and monitoring in new uses of water.
E.GOMEZ - Montpellier University, France

9h30 : Impacts of plant protection products on biodiversity in aquatic environments: state of knowledge, gaps and prospects.
M.-A. Coutellec - INRAE, France

9h45 : To what risks do organic micropollutants expose the fauna and flora that inhabit our surface waters?
C. Joaquim-Justo - Liège University, Belgium

10h : Coffee Break

10h30 : View from water operators: how the European Union is tackling micropollutants in the water cycle.
S. Mouret - Eureau, Europe

10h45 : Have the 12 indicator substances proven their effectiveness in Switzerland?
S. Bitterwolf - VSA - Switzerland

11h00 : Fate of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants. What levers for action?
J.-M. Choubert - INRAE - France

11h15 : Perspective in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors on the issue of micropollutants in water.
C. Lambert, F.Van Tiggelen et C.Noirhomme - Essenscia -Belgium

11h30 : Round table : Questions and answers

12h15 : Lunch Break

13h30 : Direct nanofiltration and UV/peroxide for the removal of micro-pollutants.
K. Bertens Zorzano - Waterschap Aa en Maas - The Netherlands

13h45 : Micropollutant removal on Municipal WWTPs in Baden-Württemberg - a successful story.
V. Kohlgrueber - KomS - Germany

14h00 : Elimination of micropollutants in Switzerland. Interesting facts from best practice.
M. Schachtler - ARA-STEP- Switzerland

14h15 : Organic micropollutants removal from drinking water and wastewater: state-of-the-art and research needs.
J.P. van der Hoek - Waternet and Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands

14h30 : PFAS removal from drinking water through anion exchange: full-scale system design and results
T. Alleman - De Watergroep - Belgium

14h45 : Coffee break

15h15 : Another look: unconventional technologies*.*
CEBEDEAU - Belgium

15h30 : Micropollutants: the invisible threat of modern pollution.
A. Richel - Liège University - Belgium

16h00 : Round table : Questions and answers

17h00 : Closing drink

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Organic micropollutants in water: from challenges to solutions