CEBEDEAU • Sampling & Analysis

A team of experienced technicians who adapt to each situation to take representative samples and analyse them with the utmost care.


In brief

Is my process water quality consistent? Am I meeting standards? Where is this load coming from, from which part of the plant?

To answer these questions, a bottle is not enough. A detailed sampling protocol must be set up, including flow measurements and use of the right equipment for the specific situation and the samples must be analysed with maximum precision and without interference.

This is the expertise we provide.

Our approach

Sampling related error must be minimised. This is why we pay great attention to it: the sampling plan must meet your needs and the specificities of your activities, at an acceptable cost.

Our clients appreciate our responsiveness and flexibility. A contact person is always available to answer their questions.

Sampling equipment

We have a wide range of equipment: automatic samplers, flow meters of various technologies, metering devices, rain gauges, probes, etc., which allow us to characterise flows with the highest precision.

Our technicians use their extensive field experience to install the equipment in all kinds of situations.

Analysis and measurements

Our laboratory is authorized by the Walloon Region and accredited ISO 17025 by BELAC. We regularly take part in inter-laboratory tests to guarantee the quality of our results.

In addition to the standard analyses to characterise the physico-chemical composition of water, we also carry out more specific measurements such as:

- Treatability tests: coagulation jar tests, methanogenic production potential, aerobic biodegradability, nitrification inhibition, filtration estimation and many others;

- Microbiological analyses: flow cytometer counting, microbial identification by metagenetics, antibiotic resistance gene analysis, etc.

- Standardised eco-toxicology tests such as Daphnia magna, germination tests, etc.

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